Easy Online Booking For Professional Cleaning Services In Melbourne

No need for long phone calls and emails. Book the cleaning service you need right in our specialist’s schedule any day of the week.

Trusted Professionals
7-day Availability
100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Cleaning Takes A Lot Of Your Time. Relax And Let Paul’s Cleaning Melbourne Team Take Care Of It!

Bonded And Insured

We Are Bonded And Insured

Our fully insured and background-checked cleaning specialists will make sure to complete the service as per your specific needs.

They will also bring all the range of equipment, branded detergents and accessories needed for the service.

Customers Hotline 24/7

Customers Hotline 24/7

Paul’s Cleaning Melbourne’s customer care & support agents operate for your convenience 24 hours, 7 days a week.

Do not hesitate to raise your questions or concerns at any time

Weekend Appointments

Weekend Appointments

Paul’s Cleaning Melbourne’s technicians will provide you with a service that can be scheduled to suit your requirements even on Sunday – with NO extra charge!

Eco Friendly

Eco Friendly Cleaning Products

Your health and safety matter to us. We strive to maintain the local environment by applying eco-safe non-toxic detergents.


Your cleaning professionals in Melbourne – ensuring your sparkling clean home since 2012.

What To Expect?

Paul’s team specialises in a range of domestic and office cleaning services in the area of Melbourne. From regular and one-off house cleaning to carpet cleaning and vacate cleaning, each cleaning job is tailored to the client’s needs to ensure an excellent and flawless service.

Our cleaning professionals can be booked for a one-off spring clean or constant upkeep of your home and office. We are also experienced with sanitising private homes and commercial venues after special occasions, events and parties.

We add a 72 hours guarantee to our bond cleaning service for your comfort and satisfaction. We offer individual outdoor & indoor specialised deep cleaning solutions at affordable prices.

If it occurs that the Bond Cleaning Services have not been performed in compliance with the contract or to a reasonable satisfaction due to the nature of the services, all you need to do is to notify us within 72 hours of completion of the service.

We will do our best to correct, repair or fix defects promptly if such damages are found to have been made by our specialists. All of our professionals are also Licensed, Bonded & Insured for your calm and protection.

Cleaning Equipment & Detergents

All services we offer are granted by the established experience and the know-how of the house cleaners in Melbourne we work with.

Detergents: All residential cleaning products, we work with, are pet and child friendly, non-toxic and tested for domestic use. We use industry tools and materials that are appropriate for commercial and home sanitation, as well as builders cleaning for after construction works.

Equipment: The home cleaners in Melbourne are equipped with everything required for an excellent and flawless service. Depending on the service booked, we can provide:

  • Vacuum Cleaner
  • Sponges
  • Mops
  • Broom
  • Duster
  • Squeegee For Window Cleaning
  • Rotary Machines For Tile And Grout Cleaning
  • Upholstery And Carpet Cleaning The Professionals Perform With Prochem Machines

All our specialists, we’ll send to you, are qualified and insured to operate with the equipment and machines required for the job.

End of Lease Cleaning Melbourne

We Care About Your Family’s Health!

Paul’s Cleaning Melbourne team uses eco-friendly cleaning products, ensuring a safe and healthy environment for your children and pets.

Cleaning Products Brands