Reliable upholstery cleaning in Sunshine North

We guarantee your 100% satisfaction!
We operate all week round, including public holidays!
Fully trained and insured professional cleaners!

Additional cleaning services to choose from with your upholstery cleaning in Sunshine North

End of lease cleaning

For your furnished rental property, we also offer upholstery cleaning as part of our end of lease cleaning service. Getting your bond back in full is much easier if your cleaning pros deep clean the furnishing. Combine your services and save time and money.

Carpet cleaning

We conduct an initial inspection as part of our professional carpet cleaning procedure to determine the type of your carpet and the best method of cleaning. A hot water extraction is suitable for cleaning synthetics and wool. Dry cleaning is provided for more delicate fabrics.

Window cleaning

Our exterior window cleaning service is available when you need it. Paul’s technicians’ window cleaning process uses only purified water and no detergents. Water-fed extension poles make it easy to clean windows up to the fourth floor, making the process safe and highly-effective.

Mattress cleaning

Getting our mattress deep cleaned reduces the risk of allergic reactions caused by dust mites. In addition to removing stubborn stains, dirt, and dead skin flakes, the hot water extraction method is also powerfull at getting rid of dust mites. You can also prevent bacteria and unpleasant odours from growing on your mattress by cleaning it regularly.

What’s included in our upholstery cleaning service in Sunshine North

There are only a few steps involved in this process, and it is quick and simple.

Upholstery assessment

As soon as your upholstery cleaner arrives, they’ll put on overshoes. When they come to your home, the cleaner will assess your furniture and evaluate the fabric to see if you need dry cleaning or hot water extraction. It’s time to clean! A protective mat will be put around the furniture and the cleaner will get started.

Stain pre-treatment

You don’t have to worry about pets hair, dust particles, left-over food or anything else. Paul’s cleaners will get rid of it all. We performed after the cleaners have evaluate the materials of the furniture. As a result, they can select the appropriate pre-soaking solution for the stains and loosen them up. A hot water extraction process will follow after the pre-treatment runs its course.

Upholstery steam cleaning

Hot water extraction (HWE) is the latest upholstery cleaning technique that our professionals use. By using an industrial steam cleaner, the fabric of your furniture will be steamed with hot water and powerful detergents. The moisture, along with all the dirt, will be sucked out by a suction attachment. Your upholstery will be almost dry after using this method. Dry cleaning is the preferred method of cleaning delicate natural fabrics such as upholstery made of natural fibers. Additionally, we offer leather upholstery cleaning solutions.

Furniture after-care

It is recommended that furniture be dried within six to twelve hours of being cleaned. If you need any assistance in caring for it or prolonging its life, our professional staff will be of assistance to you. If you ask them to, your cleaners can cover your furniture in Scotchgard upholstery protection or apply leather rejuvenation solution for a small additional cost. This will keep it looking good and prevent stains from setting in for good.

Upholstery cleaning
couch cleaning

Why trust Paul’s upholstery cleaning in Sunshine North

Our top priority is customer satisfaction. Take advantage of our numerous benefits!

  • Ease of service – Book online by entering your local postcode and following the simple steps.
  • Certified cleaning technicians – A team of professionals who have the experience to assess every piece before cleaning and tailor their work to yield the best results.
  • Flawless stain removal method – Stain treatments and vacuuming are included as standard. Optional extras can be added according to your requirements.
  • Safe, environmentally-friendly cleaning – Your upholstery won’t be filled with chemicals when you get them cleaned. All cleaning solutions are eco-friendly and non-toxic.
  • Well-maintained, professional-grade tools – Using top-grade equipment results in deeper cleaning, reduced drying times, and fewer fibre damages.
  • Transparent pricing – Our goal is to give our customers the best value for their money. Therefore, we keep our rates reasonable and offer even better rates when booking multiple services at the same time.

Upholstery Cleaning Sunshine North coverage

You can count on us for professional cleaning services no matter if it’s your home or office in Sunshine North. Local cleaners will restore your soft furniture’s immaculate condition quickly.


Q: What is the drying time for the upholstery?
A: Depending on the weather, the upholstery thickness, the material, ventilation, and temperature in the room, it usually takes between 4-6 hours. In order to speed up this process, you can open your window (s) or turn on your air conditioning.
Q: What happens if one of your technicians damages my upholstery?
A: Our company is fully insured, so you will be compensated should anything go wrong.
Q: Do you offer fabric protectors for sofas?
A: It’s no problem at all. For a quote, please contact our operator or our technician on site.
Q: Is it possible to completely extract blood or coffee?
A: It all depends on where the stain came from, how long it has been there, and if you have treated it with any other solutions. In order to pre-treat your stains and successfully clean them, we have all needed spotters, stains removers, and chemicals.

Book a guaranteed upholstery cleaning service in Sunshine North!